Saturday, October 03, 2020

RE:SCORE - Guided By Voices: Self-Inflicted Aerial Nostalgia (1989)

TOTAL SCORE: 38, AVG: 2.71

I included 8 of the tracks on Self-Inflicted Aerial Nostalgia (SIAN) in my original review, and my feelings on the album haven't changed too much. I would just love a studio re-recording of this album because I do feel that the generally poor recording quality does take so much away from SIAN, and there is an even better album buried here somewhere. For me, this is where Guided By Voices truly begins; where the gems lay side by side with the toss-offs, and the only thing that is consistent is that there will be an endearing inconsistency...

    What has changed since I first reviewed this album? I have grown my appreciation for Liar's Tale for one, and the greatness that is Navigating Flood Regions is something I am more aware of. I also dig Trampoline now, and my love for Paper Girl and Chief Barrel Belly has greatly diminished. SIAN is simply a good album, and one that is wonderful to take in all at once. Here is the updated ranking:

    Among Bob's Best
    -- none

    05 Navigating Flood Regions

    Almost Gems
    13 Liar's Tale
    14 Radio Show (Trust the Wizard)

    They're Good
    01 The Future is in Eggs
    02 The Great Blake Street Canoe Race
    06 An Earful O' Wax
    07 White Whale
    08 Trampoline
    09 Short on Posters

    They're OK
    04 Paper Girl
    10 Chief Barrel Belly

    Could Live Without
    03 Slopes of Big Ugly
    11 Dying to Try This
    12 The Qualifying Remainder

    Toss-Offs & Throwaways
    -- none

    Given the scoring above, the album would get 38 points total (and an average of 2.71). 

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