Tuesday, October 13, 2020

RE:SCORE - Guided By Voices: Clown Prince of the Menthol Trailer (1994)

TOTAL SCORE: 14, AVG: 2.00

I stand by my original review in that Clown Prince of the Menthol Trailer isn't a great EP. Listening to it again while putting together this re:score I was somewhat hoping that something new would emerge, but alas, there is still nothing here that truly stands out. Matter Eater Lad is still a lot of fun, and Johnny Appleseed is a solid ballad, but outside of those I'm not a huge fan...
    Of course this EP is someone's favorite, and the responses to my original post proved that was the case. Oh well, there is more than enough GBV to go around! Here is the updated ranking:

    Among Bob's Best
    -- none

    -- none

    Almost Gems
    -- none

    They're Good
    01 Matter Eater Lad
    07 Johnny Appleseed

    They're OK
    02 Broadcaster House
    04 Pink Gun
    06 Grandfather Westinghouse

    Could Live Without
    03 Hunter Complex
    05 Scalping the Guru

    Toss-Offs & Throwaways
    -- none

    Given the scoring above, the album would get 14 points total (and an average of 2.00). 

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